Sunday, March 16, 2014

7 Quick Takes - A Trip, Spirit-Led Conversations & a Prayer Request

I have been traveling this week, a much needed break and my first out-of-state trip (not counting trips to Kentucky) since John was born.   Also my first time on an airplane since 2009, and I can say that I don't miss flying at all.   But, flying aside,  I had a great time.   Tom did a wonderful job taking care of the boys and his parents came to visit for back-up.   I was only gone 4 days but it felt like a month and I couldn't wait to see my boys again.  Absence really does make the heart grow fonder, and I think they needed a break from me as much as I them.  Now we all love being with each other again!

So, related to the trip, I got to go to Denver, compliments of my former employer who sent me out there for an award for a project I did while I worked for them.   I have been a SAHM for two years now, so it felt very odd to be socializing and networking again with folks from the agency.  It also made for some interesting conversations, as you might imagine.    However, when it was all said and done, I left the event feeling honored but also incredibly glad to be out of the "rat race".    As many (women) there told me, I am very blessed to be able to be a SAHM, and believe me, I know it.

The trip out there also resulted in some very memorable conversations that I had with folks who are in the "mainstream" and not really in the "bubble" that I tend to be in.    It is amazing how some people will open up when you share with them a bit about your own struggles.  I found myself having conversations about how we were led to adoption,  how we were faced with infertility, how it feels to become a parent at a late age, how I decided to leave a career to become as SAHM, etc.     I have some interesting tidbits from these converstations that I think will make it into some of my future blog posts.    For now, all I can say is that when I expected "small talk", I got a whole lot more, and I'm convinced the Holy Spirit was trying to lead me in some of these conversations.    I really came away with the realization that we are all surrounded by a lot of  deeply hurting people.

So, I just got home yesterday and tomorrow our social worker comes to do a home visit so that we can renew our adoption home study.  Tom and I were really on the fence about this because of our age and our plans to re-locate, but until we sell our home in Missouri, we can still adopt in that state.  So, we are going to keep the possible adoption door open as long as we can.   I just can't give up yet.  Of course, if our home sells before we get chosen for an adoption, I will just have to accept that as part of God's will.     It's hard, but how long do you wait for something that may never happen?   We've already postponed this move a year hoping we'd get to adopt again and we can't just keep waiting.  I'm sure if it doesn't work out, God will have something else in store for us.

Soooo, in 18 days and counting, we will be packing everything up and transplanting ourselves 500 miles east of here in Kentucky.   I am really looking forward to getting this move over with.  We've been in the process of moving since last summer and it has dominated most of my "spare" time.   Leaving Missouri will be bittersweet, but in the long run, I think this move will be good for us.

But, because nothing is ever simple, we have to get Joah's tonsils removed first.   So we will be going through that ordeal this Tuesday.   If you don't mind, could you say a prayer for the little guy?   They say he will be in a lot of pain the first week after it is done.   This is the first major health issue I've had to deal with for one of my children and I've felt like backing out about a dozen times.  But I know it has to be done and he'll be better in the long run.  

That's about it from here.   I probably won't be posting much for the next few weeks due to Joah's surgery and the pending move, other than the infertility story that I am sharing during Lent.    Tom and I continue with the 54-day novena and I am now so addicted to the daily rosary for my mental well-being that I may just have to keep it up after the novena is over.   That, plus, after all the interactions I had this week with people outside of my "bubble" , I am convinced that we just can't say enough rosaries for our broken world right now.

Thanks for reading and thanks to Jen for hosting!


  1. Hi Lynda! Saw your comment on my blog and wanted to come over here and say hi! Will be adding you to my feed reader. Prayers for your son's surgery! And good luck with your impending move. If you happen to be relocating anywhere near the Lexington area, we have a small infertility group here of lovely Catholic ladies. We started out as a support group, got to know each other, and ended up as a group of friends. The group hasn't met as an official "support group" in a long time, but we get together for play dates and outings and the occasional baby shower when we can. Good luck with everything!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Kerri! I'm new to blogging so getting a comment makes my day!
      We will be about 2 hours from Lexington, but will likely make occassional trips to there to get things we can't find in rural Appalachia. I would love to meet you and your friends. Catholic ladies, especially those with our similar histories, will be in short supply where we our going.
      Our little Joah has had a rough 24 hours post-op but we are getting through it. Thanks so much for the prayers.
